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Site Management

Discover efficient and sustainable project execution with Site Management, our browser-based platform for data exchange and infrastructure construction site monitoring. Seamlessly integrates with Autodesk® Construction Cloud® and Trimble® Connect® to elevate your project management to new heights.

  • Tracks machine activity, fuel consumption, cycles, and emissions

  • Ensures operators work with the most recent design version

  • 3D viewer, validation and section tools

  • Examine object metadata from surfaces, points, and pipe networks

  • Enables location-based communication

  • User-friendly map interfaces and dashboard reporting

Experience the difference

Site Management deals with the data, so you can focus on the insights. With real-time field data in a single view, all stakeholders can easily monitor progress and compliance with project tolerances. And that enables efficient, data-driven decision-making.

Uncover valuable insights

Gain a clear understanding of fleet performance and production on the construction site. Keep track of cycles, theoretical volumes moved, and waiting, loading, and unloading times. With Site Management on your desk or in your pocket, make informed decisions backed by actual production data, eliminating the need for guesswork.

  • Significant time savings and improved project outcomes

  • Vastly reduces the need for physical travel

  • Eliminates outdated USB data transfers

  • Helps ensure that operations run smoothly, cost-effectively and safely

  • Decreases unforeseen expenses

We deal with the data, you focus on the insights

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Access information on any device

Whether you’re in the office or out on site, you get Site Management’s full functionality, even on your smart device. Site Management takes collaboration to the next level for engineering and operations by enabling location-based communication. You can even see your own geolocation on top of the design. So, instead of trying to describe a location or structure via email, simply use the platform to place a pinpoint or mark an area to easily highlight the talking point. Instant access to up-to-date information makes Site Management the perfect solution for engineers and construction experts in the field. Customers also benefit from a map interface for model files, a crucial feature for infrastructure projects.

Enhanced situational awareness

Site Management empowers you to respond quickly and confidently to unexpected changes. It provides access to orthophotos and point clouds for instant project progress updates and accurate volume calculations. With map interfaces, validation tools, information sharing capabilities, and dashboard reporting, this platform streamlines communication and ensures that all stakeholders have access to the most current information.

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