Client: Sharpe Engineering
Location: Queensland, Australia
VinZero Partner: A2K Technologies
Industry: Design & Manufacturing
Project Delivery Date: December 2019
Autodesk Solutions: Autodesk Vault Professional
Sharpe Engineering provides quality solutions in the design, development, manufacturing, service and repair of drilling related tools and equipment for operators, contractors and service providers across the resource and energy sectors.
The company have developed multiple proprietary threads and products to help improve the performance and efficiency of their clients.
As a credit to the quality of products developed and manufactured at Sharpe Engineering, they have API 6A, 7-1, 5-CT and Q1 accreditations as well as ISO9001 certification.
Sharpe Engineering’s manufacturing capabilities include a wide variety of CNC lathes and machining centres that utilise the latest technology in terms of CAD-CAM programming and Renishaw probing systems.
The company has well established testing facilities including pressure testing up to 25000PSI to API 6A quality standards and tensile and compressive load testing capabilities up to 60t.
Sharpe Engineering was struggling with document and revision control. Reoccurring jobs were getting redrafted, engineered and programmed every time.
Drawings and programs were stored against job numbers meaning that the previous job would have to be found with a reoccurring job adding to time and increasing room for error.
Sharpe Engineering wanted to have a solution that: prevented the circulation of out of date and obsolete drawings and documents, provide a secure centralised location to store all their engineering data across all three sites, automate some of the document control process and standardise part numbers and names.
A2K and Tentech developed a customised Autodesk Vault setup that had two custom lifecycles with automated generation of watermarked PDF’s and STP files at different lifecycle stages, a customised drop down menu for naming parts with pre-filled details for parts Sharpe Engineering had previously made, and a cloud based server to hold engineering data and store licences.
As a result of the implementation of the Vault software, Sharpe Engineering noticed: An increase in drawing quality from the increased control and review of documents, a reduction in manufacturing error from incorrect revisions due to the enforced revision control, a reduction in time to complete reoccurring jobs and the ability to quote reoccurring jobs from part numbers making it easier for the estimating team to complete their work.
The solution developed for Sharpe Engineering was a tailored solution to meet their needs. Customised touches such as custom drop-down menus formatted to include company logos and text fonts made the user experience feel unique and well finished. The user interface for Vault was easy and intuitive for staff to use.
The finished system has allowed them to increase the quality of drawings produced, reducing manufacturing errors and creating a better relationship between engineering design and production teams.
The increased level of control over company-wide engineering document formatting and naming protocols has made it easier for people to quickly search and find what they are looking for. The enforcement of lifecycle stages has meant that proper due diligence is being considered for all engineering data being stored in the Vault, improving the quality of designs and drawings produced.