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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


This statement is published by ARKANCE UK Ltd under the provision of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

ARKANCE UK recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

ARKANCE UK is absolutely committed to acting ethically with preventing slavery and human trafficking in its activities and ensuring that its supply chain is free from slavery and human trafficking.

Organisational structure and supply chains

ARKANCE UK is a Platinum Awarded Autodesk Partner specialising in the supply of innovative design and data management technologies to Architectural, Engineering, Construction, Manufacturing, Process and Plant and Structural engineering professionals. It is a market leader in the delivery of associated project training, consultancy, business integration and professional services.

ARKANCE UK operates in the UK and Northern Europe.

Relevant policies

ARKANCE UK operates the following policies that describe its approach to the identification of modern slavery risks and the steps that are taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its operations:

  • Employee code of conduct – The organisation’s code makes clear to employees the actions and behaviour expected of them when representing the organisation. The organisation strives to maintain the highest standards of employee conduct and ethical behaviour when operating abroad and managing its supply chain.

  • Supplier code of conduct – The organisation is committed to ensuring that its suppliers adhere to the highest standards of ethics. Suppliers are required to demonstrate that they provide safe working conditions where necessary, treat workers with dignity and respect, and act ethically and within the law in their use of labour.

  • Recruitment/Agency workers policy – The organisation uses only specified, reputable employment agencies to source labour and always verifies the practices of any new agency it uses before accepting workers from that agency.

Updated: June 2024