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Autodesk Inventor Stress and Frame Analysis
The objective of this course is to introduce users to the user interface, tools and recommended workflows in the Autodesk Inventor Professional Stress Analysis environment.
Validate designs by optimising for strength and weight.
Eliminate resonant frequencies from their designs.
Analyse parts and assemblies.
Perform parametric design studies.
Solve real-world design problems.
Conduct basic finite element analysis studies from static assemblies and frames, static pressure testing and modal (frequency) analysis. Works/has integration with Inventor Dynamic simulation and Inventor Frame generator.
This course is suited to established engineers with some Inventor/CAD knowledge.
Inventor Stress and Frame analysis is a good add-in for most basic FEA requirements. It relies on the user having some knowledge of Stress/Strain and other basic FEA principles..
On completion of the course, you will be presented with an Autodesk Authorised Training Certificate.
Scheduled on demand
The stress analysis environment
Cyclic symmetry analysis
Assembly Optimisation
Weldment analysis
Assembly analysis with built in welds
Wind load analysis
Fabrication analysis
Sheet Metal Analysis
G force acceleration
Modal Analysis
Frame analysis environment
Frame analysis using content centre structures
Frame analysis using frame generator structures
Frame analysis using advanced Settings
The technology that we use to deliver our courses has been specifically designed to ensure that the learning experience is just as effective as if you are in one of our training centres. The same experienced instructors deliver our virtual training courses and we limit the number of attendees to ensure each one receives the right amount of individual support and attention.
Each of our training suites is laid out classroom style for a maximum of 6 delegates. This class size ensures that the pace of the course is not adversely affected, learning is maximised and there is enough individual time for everyone to ask questions. Each person will have their own PC, with the appropriate course software installed and will be provided the relevant course material. Lunch and refreshments are available throughout the course.
All the training we offer can be provided onsite at your office location with the minimum of travel disruption and with the whole team together. The training will take place in a designated area away from general office activity to ensure that delegates are not disturbed and are free to give their full attention to the training.
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