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Autodesk PowerInspect OMV
This course is designed for new PowerInspect users. No previous PowerInspect or CAD experience is necessary. It is recommended that the delegate have a working knowledge of Microsoft Windows.
Overview of PowerInspect
The Machine
Working with inspection geometry
Creating alignments
This course is designed for PowerInspect users. No previous PowerInspect or CAD experience is necessary. It is recommended that the delegate have a working knowledge of Microsoft Windows.
On completion of the course, you will be presented with an Autodesk Authorised Training Certificate.
Scheduled on demand
Quick Overview:
Importing CAD file
Measure simple alignment
Perform simple geometric inspection
Perform simple form inspection
Perform simple dimensions
Perform simple report
The Machine:
Connect a cmm
Probes & calibration
Track & check
Ribbon find the functions
The tabs
Using the mouse
Be aware of execute state
Import and organising CAD data:
Drag & drop or Add CAD dialog
What is DDZ
Edit CAD details
Transform - move/rotate/scale
Using levels and user levels
Summary or detailed view
Working with inspection geometry:
Geometric groups
Using the wireframe checker
Advanced geometric features
Creating alignments:
PLP alignment
Dynamic points & free form alignment
RPS alignment
Auto tracking
Extract nominals
Detect item type
Probe paths:
Probe & Parameters
Geometric feature probe paths
Probe path strategies
Probe path properties
Probe path visibility
Simulate single feature
Run/Simulate program
Set range
Detect collisions
Configure simulation
Avoiding collisions:
Additional probe & parameters
Links manual/collision free/parameter
Auto-avoid links
Performing a measure:
Safety first, simulate again
Mind the part origin
NC probe path export
Run the machine
Configure the result importer
Import results
Understand the log and possible errors
Form inspection:
Surface inspection
Edge inspection
Section inspection
Advanced alignments:
Best fit from points alignment
Best fit alignment update
User defined alignment and alignment from file
Offset alignment
Alignment delta transform
CAD View Images
Create a report
Multiple parts
Device repositioning wizard
Mirror Wizard
Transform Nominals
Export CAD
Preparing for Support
The technology that we use to deliver our courses has been specifically designed to ensure that the learning experience is just as effective as if you are in one of our training centres. The same experienced instructors deliver our virtual training courses and we limit the number of attendees to ensure each one receives the right amount of individual support and attention.
Each of our training suites is laid out classroom style for a maximum of 6 delegates. This class size ensures that the pace of the course is not adversely affected, learning is maximised and there is enough individual time for everyone to ask questions. Each person will have their own PC, with the appropriate course software installed and will be provided the relevant course material. Lunch and refreshments are available throughout the course.
All the training we offer can be provided onsite at your office location with the minimum of travel disruption and with the whole team together. The training will take place in a designated area away from general office activity to ensure that delegates are not disturbed and are free to give their full attention to the training.
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